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2374 results on 119 pages

  • What If Tesla Is…Just a Car Company? / #

    Tesla’s aura as an elite tech disrupter dims as EV competitors multiply and improve their offerings. Musk’s messy involvement with Twitter isn’t helping.

  • Some third-party Twitter apps appear to be broken - and that's bad news, not only for users / #

    Even after hours it's not clear if this is a technical problem or a decision by Twitter. Developers say they haven’t heard back from the company about what’s going on. The news is not only bad for Twitter, but also developers who rely their business on Twitter, as well as for Twitter itself, since it can't be seen as a good partner for devs and marketeers anymore.

  • How to Use Facebook to Build a Community in 2023 / #

    Facebook Marketing is changing - and Communities play a vital role in that. Key part on it is the Recommendation Graph which Facebook embraces nowadays: Less than the Social Graph we knew for years, this one is not based on personal or social connections you have on Facebook to show you content you may like. And since Communities are the only thing that actually is growing on Facebook, the platform connects both. Mark Zuckerberg has said that Meta aims to double the number of recommended content - from 15% now to 30% by end of 2023 on Facebook; and even higher on Instagram. Communities are a high chance to get your feed into a vital, yet not known audience.

2374 results on 119 pages