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1998 results on 100 pages

  • A second Trump presidency could mean big changes for EVs / #

    Donald Trump has made it clear he’s not a fan of electric vehicles or clean energy. The most obvious target of a potential President Trump 2.0 would be the Inflation Reduction Act as well as tax credit for EVs, which has helped persuade consumers to make the switch to electric.

  • Amerikas Tech-Elite in Trumps Armen / #

    Johannes Kuhn analysiert treffsicher den aktuellen Ruck der Tech-Branche zu den Republikanern - und wie Kamala Harris zu den Plattformen steht.

  • Meta removes accounts linked to notorious romance scam ring / #

    Earlier this year, Wired and NBC News reported on dozens of social media accounts where members of the so-called "Yahoo Boys" traded information about romance scams. Accounts were found across Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Telegram and more.

    Meta now has removed around 63,000 accounts in Nigeria that had been attempting to target people as part of these scams

1998 results on 100 pages