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2304 results on 116 pages
Alexa Will Be Powered by Claude / #
Amazon is set to revolutionize its Alexa voice assistant by integrating Anthropic's Claude AI, promising enhanced capabilities and a new subscription-based model.
Musk's X suspended in Brazil after disinformation row - BBC News / #
Alexandre de Moraes ordered the "immediate and complete suspension" of the social media platform until it complies with all court orders and pays existing fines.
X is right to stand up to Brazil's unjust "hostage laws," but Musk's fight highlights his cynical free speech stance after he caved to Modi's censorship demands (Mike Masnick/Techdirt) / #
Mike Masnick / Techdirt:X is right to stand up to Brazil's unjust “hostage laws,” but Musk's fight highlights his cynical free speech stance after he caved to Modi's censorship demands — In the battle between Elon Musk and Brazil, there are no heroes — only two sides engaged in an epic display of hypocrisy and overreach.
X goes offline in Brazil after Elon Musk’s refusal to comply with local laws / #
Millions of users shut out and 500,000 switch to rival platform Bluesky as providers enact supreme court banCarole Cadwalladr: Don’t rejoice yet,Musk and his tech bros-in-arms are winning the global battle for the truthOne of the world’s most popular social networks, X, has gone offline in Brazil – the country with the fifth largest digital population – after Elon Musk’s refusal to comply with local laws meant it was blocked by the supreme court.Millions of Brazilian X users found themselves unable to access the network on Saturday morning as internet providers and mobile phone companies began to enforce the ban.
Social media companies' reliance on Section 230 protections is in jeopardy after a US court ruled TikTok's algorithmic curation is not protected by Section 230 (Matt Stoller/BIG) / #
Matt Stoller / BIG:Social media companies' reliance on Section 230 protections is in jeopardy after a US court ruled TikTok's algorithmic curation is not protected by Section 230 — “TikTok reads 230 of the Communications Decency Act to permit casual indifference to the death of a ten-year-old girl.” - Judge Paul Matey
Elon Musk's X is now banned in Brazil / #
Brazil just gave Elon Musk's X the boot.On Friday, Brazil's top court ordered that Musk's social media company X, formerly known as Twitter, be banned in the country.
Brazil’s X ban is sending lots of people to Bluesky / #
Image: BlueskyX is currently banned in Brazil following an order from a Supreme Court justice, and Brazilian users seem to be turning to Bluesky, an alternate social network, in droves.
Zuckerberg wants to control the next platform—no matter what it is / #
There’s no question Facebook is a platform.
Inside Elon Musk’s Chaotic Revamp of Twitter Blue - The New York Times / #
Twitter Blue, a revamped subscription service that let users buy verified badges, was the first big test for the platform’s new owner. It didn’t go well.
Spain is luring digital nomads into the countryside with €15,000 grants / #
In Barcelona, digital nomads risk being attacked by angry water pistol-wielding locals.
Elon Musk: Streit um X in Brasilien eskaliert / #
Elon Musk rechnet mit einer Schließung von X in Brasilien - Hintergrund ist ein Streit um Sperren bei X.
Medienanstalten: Niedrige Werbe-Akzeptanz bei Social-Media-Videos. / #
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Causa Durow: Panik in Moskau und im Silicon Valley - Web - › Web / #
Russland fürchtet Militärkommunikation könnte dem Westen in die Hände fallen. Konservative in den USA beschwören indessen den Kulturkampf
EU investigating if Telegram played down user numbers to avoid regulation | Ars Technica / #
The new probe is separate from the French investigation into the platform.
Telegram: Festnahme von Pawel Durow bringt Russland in Bedrängnis - DER SPIEGEL / #
ange war die Staatsmacht Russlands mit Pawel Durow verfeindet. Doch die Verhaftung des russischen Telegram-Gründers versetzt Moskau in Aufruhr. Denn der Messenger wurde in Kriegszeiten zu einem viel genutzten Werkzeug.
Telegram CEO charged in French criminal investigation - The Verge / #
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov is charged with enabling illegal transactions and complicity in the distribution of CSAM.
Threads’ chaotic “For You” feed quantified - Sherwood News / #
How old are the posts Threads are recommending to its users?
Telegram-Chef Pawel Durow: Anwalt David-Olivier Kaminski nennt Vorwürfe »völlig absurd« - DER SPIEGEL / #
Gegen den Gründer von Telegram, Pawel Durow, wird in Frankreich wegen Geldwäsche, Beihilfe zum Drogenhandel und zur Verbreitung von Missbrauchsmaterial ermittelt. Sein Anwalt weist die Vorwürfe zurück.
Black Forest Labs: Sie sind ein Teil von jener Kraft | ZEIT ONLINE / #
Eine KI-Firma aus dem Schwarzwald baut den besten Bildgenerator der Welt. Was für eine Erfolgsgeschichte! Doch dann geht sie einen Deal mit Elon Musk ein.
Internet-ID in China: Fast wie Orwells "1984" | ZEIT ONLINE / #
Die chinesische Regierung plant die Einführung einer neuen Internet-ID. Trotz allen Abwiegelns: Damit würde die perfekte Kontrolle aller Bürgerinnen und Bürger möglich.
2304 results on 116 pages