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2769 results on 139 pages

  • How decentralized is Bluesky really? / #

    To claim that Bluesky is decentralized or federated in its current form moves the goalposts of both of those terms, which I find unacceptable.

    Langer Text, der zu diesem Urteil kommt. Bluesky kann dezentral werden, nur wahrscheinlich ist es nicht - unter anderem, weil eine Instanz immer alle Daten vorhalten muss, was mit wachsender Größe der Plattform teuer und schwer wird.

  • YouTube Shares Top Trends of 2024 | Social Media Today / #

    YouTube has published an overview of the top trends, creators and songs in the app over the past year, which highlights some of the key cultural shifts, and creator-led movements on the broader web throughout 2024.

2769 results on 139 pages