Amazon TikTok Link: Produkte kaufen, ohne Entertainment App zu verlassen
Das Shopping auf TikTok erhält eine neue Dimension.
17 results on 1 page
Das Shopping auf TikTok erhält eine neue Dimension.
TikTok users will see Amazon product recommendations on the app’s ‘For You’ feed.
Verbraucherschützer werfen IT-Plattformen eine mangelhafte Umsetzung der EU-Vorgaben vor.
Wall Street Journal:Sources: Twitch remains unprofitable a decade after Amazon's acquisition; Docs show Twitch generated ~$667M in ad revenue and $1.3B in commerce revenue in 2023 — Amazon Paid Almost $1 Billion for Twitch in 2014. It's Still Losing Money. The live-video service has slowing user growth …
Amazon has agreed to acquire key assets of Indian video streaming service MX Player from the local media powerhouse Times Internet, the latest step by the e-commerce giant to make its services and brand popular in smaller cities and towns in the key overseas market. The two firms reached a definitive agreement for the deal […]© 2024 TechCrunch.
Amazons Chatbot Rufus soll Produkte empfehlen und beim Einkauf beraten.
The telltale error messages are a sign of AI-generated pablum all over the Internet.
The Korean automaker has big plans for internet sales on everyone's favorite e-commerce site, but dealers are still involved.
Starting next year, you’ll be able to buy a car on Amazon for the first time. The company announced a deal with Hyundai that will allow dealerships to sell cars through the site.
“For the first time, customers will be able to shop Amazon’s Facebook and Instagram ads and check out with Amazon without leaving the social media apps,”
Für seinen TikTok-ähnlichen Shopping-Feed "Inspire" will Amazon Influencer gewinnen. Die reagieren mit einem Lachen auf die Bezahlung des E-Commerce-Riesens.
Tiktok startet eine neue Shopping-Initiative direkt über die App.
AI BooksBooks almost entirely generated by AI are flooding Amazon's marketplace, The Washington Post reports, a trend that's turning out to be a huge headache for human authors.
Over 200 e-books in Amazon's Kindle Store listed ChatGPT as an author as of mid-February 2023, as some worry that generative AI could commoditize book writing.
Amazon is the latest platform to recruit influencers to post short vertical videos in order to compete with TikTok and attract customers.
Seit dem Ausbruch des Krieges mit Russland hat die Regierung der Ukraine ihre gesamten Regierungsgeschäfte und -Unterlagen digitalisiert. Dabei hilft Amazon AWS. Die L.A. Times blickt hinter die Kulissen.
17 results on 1 page